I wanted to let you know about the giveaway that ends Nov 7th. A beautiful Italian stone with a heartwarming message. Just go to the blog santasgiftshoppe.blogspot.com or email her at santasgiftshoppe@gmail.com.
good luck!
Yonezawa family: Kirk, Heather, Lyssa-Jean, Naomi, Marina, and Phelan. This is our online journal of our journey through Life, the Universe and Everything. Join us for the mundane and the pivotal moments as an eternal family in a crazy world.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
New (to me) Christmas gift boutique
I stopped at a yardsale a week or two ago and was invited to a boutique next month. She gave me the info and a small gift of the most delicious homemade jam. I noticed an old Sing with Me companion book. So I found out she is a very famous and loved member of Clovis 7th ward from several of my friends who already know about this boutique.
Santasgiftshoppe.blogspot.com is having a boutique Dec 4 and 5. I am so excited to go! I have followed this blog for a day now and can't wait to see what's in store.
Santasgiftshoppe.blogspot.com is having a boutique Dec 4 and 5. I am so excited to go! I have followed this blog for a day now and can't wait to see what's in store.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Shelter Adoption, good and bad.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Babysitter Blues

this is what happens when Naomi operates heavy equipment (common ordinary office stapler). Went straight in, looks worse than it is. Morgan the babysitter handled it really well. Thanks to Sue who came to the rescue while I was across town. Marina goes to the doctor to get staples put in, Naomi goes to get them taken out, go figure...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Naomi's "Freedom Idol" appearance
Our own singer/composer at the end of year talent show at Freedom Elementary.
"I'm on the road to success.
I'm on the road to the future.
I'm on the road to the past,
I don't know where I'll go,
I'll just be up for adventure.
I'm on the road to success.
I'm on the road to the future.
And an antique mystery."
"I'm on the road to success.
I'm on the road to the future.
I'm on the road to the past,
I don't know where I'll go,
I'll just be up for adventure.
I'm on the road to success.
I'm on the road to the future.
And an antique mystery."
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Happy Memorial Day! (yes I'm back...)
We took the train to Hanford for lunch and pigging out at Superior Dairy. Their single (!) scoop sundaes put even Coldstone to shame! The kids had a blast and were excited to be able to share their holiday outing with friends at school. We don't get out enough if a 5 hour trip is such a treat. It was the kids' first train ride and they said it was the best part of the day!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Go Rockies!
Friday, April 10, 2009
WARNING, not for the faint of heart

WARNING, not for the faint of heart (anybody without kids...). I have mixed emotions about this. Sad my little girl got injured, happy that it wasn't worse and it was the first urgent accident in nine years of having kids. I was surprised at how calm I was. This is probably nothing to many of the experienced parents out there. I was glad to be home when it happened. Marina was playing with sisters and sat back on the corner of an end table. It has merciless corners and has limited accessibility because of it. But she managed to bang into it regardless. She was a real trooper and wanted her daddy for a blessing. The "sterile suture staples" were in before she could take two breaths. KC Fletcher came to my rescue to watch all my other kids (and an extra) while I took Marina in to urgent care. Sisters welcomed her back with tissue-wrapped toys. It's all good and I hope that future accidents turn out so positively. We are blessed indeed.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Springtime QTs
My kids had a blast washing cars and picking flowers on the first day of spring break. I am grateful for school days but my kids are old enough now for me to enjoy a day or two with them. We plan to bowl and view the zoo and check out the latest parks. Kirk has to work of course but we will take pictures.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sayonara sweet Saturn!
Oh I am so sad. I feel like little bits of my life get sold off like so much yard sale junk. Just before children, we sold Kirk's truck that we dated and fell in love in over the course of 3 months. Then we sold the replacement, a big white 70's suburban that could haul a horse on its bumper. NOW we are selling my only brand new car I've ever (or possibly will ever) have. I'm glad to be doing it but just a little nostaligic. I wish I were Iron Man, who is not the least bit nostalgic, even when changing out his own heart...Anyways, just wanted to give my friends a heads up about my cool little car.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
We had the oppurtunity to dog sit for Brian and Sue Anderson. It was so nice to have a pet in the house after a month without our Phebe. Daisy stayed with us for three days. After an initial morning of (I think) missing Sue, Daisy was as excited to be with the kids and the kids were to have her. We didn't have a stroller for her, so we did the next best (boy) thing: DUMPTRUCK!
The kids (and mom and dad) had a blast playing tug of war and fetch and giving her snacks after school. Hope to do it again soon.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Maddie Science
My girls were outside with Maddie and Phelan. Lyssa poked her head in the door and said "we're teaching Maddie about science." As Kirk and I pondered the possibilities (Here Maddie, "plop" this is gravity, and drop a lemon on her head. Here Maddie, plop, this is velocity; Here Maddie, plop,this is a force in motion when it hits a solid object.) We peeked outside and sure enough they had lemons on the experiment table. But they were dissecting and teaching her about sections and sourness and pulp and seeds. So it was less science and more horticulture. They love playing together and Maddie learns so much!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Desitination Imagination
Turning the BIG FOUR OH at Disneyland
Had a great time at Disneyland with my sister Halicia. We played Connect four in line and shopped and lounged by the lake at lunch. What a different place without knee-huggers and whiners (did I say that out loud?)!! I loved my birthday button and tons of people (not just cast members) wishing Happy Birthday. Everybody should do this at least once in their life.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Christmas spirits

Just a little late, still trying to figure out how to do picture posts. I'm so techno challenged, I'd go without rather than be irritated by the computer not doing the simplest commands to post pictures. Mostly I just want to see if I can do this.
I just watched Eagle Eye and it gives me pause, how much do I want on this computer network anyways...
Phelan's "boy" time
I love to watch this budding soldier find different ways to play with his little green men. He's gone from Pirates to Pokemon to sports. His latest is soldier bowling! His face is nearly camoflaged with dappled sunlight. April is Tball season, we'll see how that goes. The first time I pitched him a ball he hit it with his bat. Saturday, 7th and Wednesday the 18th he'll be all Dad's responsibility. Should be lots of fun. Updates and survival stats to be announced...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
dontcha love digital tv? (Grrr!)
We bought a new TV. With the ClearPlay dvd, the JBL DVD and stereo system we are up to 3 remotes and counting. The JBL is too old to play DVDs on the new TV with out flickering. Even with hitech fiberoptic cables. I wonder if we went to really cheap radioshack cables that the flickering would go away. WE already had a replacement VIZIO shipped to us and have narrowed it down to the DVD carosel player. If we replace it with the single player we have in our room, we will be up to FOUR remote controls...at least the babysitters won't be able to turn it on;)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Desitination Imagination
We are racing to the finish for the DI tournament. THe kids have come up with some great ideas and are finishing up the props. I think most of the presentation will be ad libbed but the required elements will be there. I am glad some of the kids stuck with it. Can't say the same about me. I will need more info on anything I sign up for from now on. Every mother should do something like this at least once in their kids' lives.
One week without our Phoebe
I still see a patch of sunlight and wish Phoebe were here to enjoy it. I miss her warming my covers where my feet go at night. I miss hearing Kirk talk to her and she to him. She would chase him or me up the stairs at bedtime. Maddie noticed the absence of food and water bowls and asked me "kitty?" This was two days after her death and it was all I could do to tell her "kitty is gone." I will try not to post again on her but she has affected my everyday life. I wish I had more pictures of her to post. I will set up some of my kids to take my blues away.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
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